Join me and special guest Alexa Fong Drubay, a wonderful healing yogi who learned her skills in India and will be joining us and sharing this special treat to heal us within, speaker J. Nicole THE GRIEF BULLY will also be joing us and she does an amazing job of opening up our minds and see things that can go over our heads that do have an imact on our lives. I will be answering some questions and pulling some card for all of you and doing a distance healing that yes it really does work! be sure to join in and use your coupon code SPRINGCLEANSING15 TO GET HALF OFF TICKET PRICE. here is the link to purchase your tickets I am looking forward to seeing in this upcoming event May/15/22 from 6pm EST to 9:30pm 3 gifts, 3 leassons for 3 parts of you Mind, Body and Spirit.