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So what are you saying Christine that these things your sending us brings good fortune Q . A. Well I'm gonna tell you a little story that happened just a few weeks ago A lady got laid off because of this virus and had a reading with me and told me all about the problems she was facing and how she had no idea how she was going to manage. So I said well I am sorry to hear that but I could use someone to help me around the house/pick ups and deliveries like a personal assistant. She reluctantly said yes because I was not offering enough hours. She came in the following morning and she was touching everything on my shelves, I asked Anna what are you doing? lol She answered "I want to touch all these things for good energy" and oh well I saw her another time or two and she didn't show up anymore!!!! My loss she got a great job she called and told me so and thanked me telling me all the good vibes she captured in my shop brought good fortune her way, I answered I guess the touching everything on the shelves worked. And Yes I knew what I was doing. The End lol