Hi Everyone and welcome back and two my new subscribers I hope that you find this podcast helpful,interesting and take at least a little something from it every episode. I would hope you also are sharing with anyone you think these podcast would be helpful to. So I have a million tales to tell about my psychic experiences, visits from beyond from dear loved ones as I am sure that many of you do. I have had so many people that I've done psychic readings for that do not even consider themselves psychics who have had so amazing encounters anywhere from spirits,ghost and psychic abilities they never thought they had. I believe that all of us are born with a 3rd eye and a gift of psychic ability but the daily ground of the physical world weakens those abilities many gifts we have work like a muscle and when we don't use them they become weak over time the same is true with psychic abilities and spiritual matters like being able to see spirits when many cannot. Animals can sense them, children can as well and many adults but most adults as I've mentioned are so connected to the physical world and so disconnected to they're psychic selves. This is a story that strangely my great grandmother would tell her 5 sons and my grandmother would also tell us and I do recall my grandfather expecting to pass at that time sadly he died of cancer it was incredibly sudden and out of the blue he was gone nothing long or drawn out in my memory of him I did not recall much suffering maybe just a week or so in any case I in my younger years thought it possible that my great grandfather was very likely hallucinating even as a psychic myself I had not whole heartedly expected for there to be such impeccable timing and i thought it a bit awful that great grandma had no reservations talking about this but the old days I guess everyone was made of steel lol