Check out my blog to learn ways on how you can clear and cleanse yourself of bad energy and protect yourself as well. And if you find it all to challenging right now or need something more powerful don’t hesitate to contact me 855-70-tarot even if you just have a question . My shop in Philadelphia is still up and running you can go there anytime to have a psychic reading done at any time and in either shop if you have questions like when will I meet my soulmate, should I change my job or will my ex come back to me you can get the answers to these important questions right away by phone, zoom or in person. We are always available. and I’ve just opened up my shop here 7156 Thornton Ave , Newark California you are welcome to come walk in also we will be doing a special promotion for Halloween that you can have readings for as low as $25 the more pricey sessions will be half off or 2 for 1 . #psychicnearme To visit my Philadelphia Center City Office Go To 810 Chestnut street Philadelphia, Pa . #psychicphiladelphia #psychicmountainviewcalifornia #trustedpsychic