Welcome back everyone, please don’t forget to like share and subscribe and comments and reviews mean the world to me. Without your support I’m not able to give you the best so please know how important it is for you to engage. So from now on I’ll be publishing daily to help you on your spiritual journey through the week. This is one of the small but important changes I’m making to better serve you . Be sure your subscribed on my website Trustedpsychicadvisor.com to get notified of upcoming events online and in person, specials for members and more! Lots of new stuff coming up for the new year as well. Btw I’m back in Philadelphia so any of my local peeps want to come in , have a reading or just say hi 👋 come on down . Remember zoom and phone consultations are always available. Namaste 🙏 855-70-TAROT to call for an appointment #selfcaresunday #psychicchristinewallace #bestpsychicreadings #psychicphiladelphia